
Ted Talk Book Report

Decent Essays

Merriam Webster defines leading as, "the initiative in an action; an example for others to follow." Becoming a leader is not difficult, but becoming a good leader is a fantastic feat. In Gary Vaynerchuk's TED Talk, [INSERT TITLE HERE], and the book [INSERT HERE], they analyze how leaders advance their brand, the importance of service in a leadership role, and the effects of practicing helpful business methods. First and foremost, Gary analyzes the inspiration behind successful businesses. The first step in creating a new business is to identify your passion. Any successful business is based on purpose and enthusiasm. Once you have identified your passion, share it with others and allow them to get excited about it as well. Gary discussed …show more content…

The first step in developing a new business is to identify a passion and the second step is to devote to pursuing that passion. The book describes the toll of running and owning a business. Running a business takes lots of time, resources, and effort. Gary suggests that if you are pouring all this time and energy into something, you should at least do it for something you love; something that makes it worthwhile. Leaders in companies often times have to work hard and lead others to work hard as well. Hard work is when passion becomes reality. As business owners, and employees, are faithful in the menial, day to day things, they incline themselves (and their companies) for more. Dedication is attractive to customers. If consumers see the hustle a company invests into their products and services, they will be led to purchase or use the product. Ultimately, the leadership shown through dedication and passion play a major part in the successful …show more content…

Not only is taking care of stakeholders necessary to business, it shows leadership within the business, to the community, and to outside sources. One of the most effective ways a business can communicate they care for their community is through service. Leadership starts with serving others. People respect people who humbly serve others. In the TED talk, the speaker emphasizes the importance of not only listening to consumers but actually caring about their interests, problems, and intentions. To further develop this concept of listening to consumers, many companies have invested in the development of bot communication. Bot communication is when companies install an area of their website where consumers can write to the company itself and a bot automatically gives them information regarding their questions, comments, and concerns. This system not only grants consumers information they requested speedily, it also creates a pathway for open communication between brand and buyer. Being active on social media also equips a brand with tools to better know their clientele and generate quick, helpful, and relevant information to those seeking it. There are many businesses that have good service, but very few actually care about their stakeholders and seek to improve relations. Compiled together, this method of communication form community and community is a direct effect of good leadership and service.

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