
Persuasive Essay On 100 First Days

Decent Essays

I am against the Fifth plan on Donald Trump's 100 First Days.

“I will lift the restrictions on the production of 50$ trillion dollars’ worth of job-producing American energy reserves, including shale, oil, natural gas and clean coal.” And here is why.

First off, The world is already going down hill at a growing rate. We pollute, litter, kill off trees, and build wherever we feel just because we want more factories,buildings,workshops,stores and houses. Certain animals have gone extinct, due to our greedy needs for money. If Trump goes through with the plan then we might as well say bye to most animals and here is why: Trees will be cut down (not like we haven’t cut down so many already!) forcing animals to live else where. It is proven that trees clean our air, so why cut more and more down? With less trees and more mining, oil spills and factories, we’ll soon be like china wearing mask to just step outside and floating dead fish with no fresh water. …show more content…

Causing a domino effect. For example, When people cut down most of the woods and built houses where did the bears go? To people's houses, because that’s where they use to live until we destroyed it. Now, it wouldn't be that different because we would be knocking out animals food sources. If we build in animal territory and they tend to wonder in that area what will happen to them? Someone will freak out and call animal control or whatever it is and next thing you know the animal is dead because we thought it’d be a good idea to build where it use to live. While chances of oil spills will be even higher, since he wants to build more oil drilling. Oh, and let’s not forget about Global warming and what all this ‘soon to be make America great again’ lifting the restrictions will just make it worst than what it already

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