
Irony In The Lottery By Shirely Jackson

Decent Essays

Not everything is as it seems. Would you follow a tradition that you do not know the meaning of but has the potential to kill your friend every year? “The Lottery” by Shirely Jackson a story about an ancient, meaningless tradition still being practiced in the modern times. It proves unsubstantiated traditions are dangerous traditions by using irony, symbolism and foreshadowing.
There are many literary devices used throughout the story, and the first of them is irony. An example of irony is that it is called a lottery in the town. Traditionally we think of a lottery as something good because it will give you wealth and prosperity that you did not have before. However, in this case it is ironic because if you win the lottery you will be killed by the other townspeople. One example of irony is Old Man Warner. He is the town most elder member. Throughout his years he probably remembers going to at least 50 different lotteries. At each of those lotteries he witnessed a different person die. During at least one of those lotteries a friend of his must have died. More than likely he has lost several friends over the course of the lotteries yet he is still its biggest supporter such as when he said, “Pack of fools,” to Mr. Adams said some villages …show more content…

It is described as, “They stood together, away from the pile of stones in the corner.” There is no explanation for while the pile exists at all. This leaves the reader with a mysterious feeling of why the pile was mentioned. Another example of foreshadowing is when Tessie's emotions change during the lottery. In the beginning when she is not in any immediate danger she describes her likeness for the lottery. Her tone does however drastically change when her family is chosen and she is in immediate danger of possibly dying. Tessie is not the only person whose actions show their feelings about the

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