
How Does Shirley Jackson Use Irony In The Lottery

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In Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” explained how in a small town, which consist of many people, holds an annual lottery where here all families would come together and pull slips of paper to determine who would get “stoned”. During the lottery the people are gathered where the head of the household is called to come up and receive a slip of paper, that is pulled from a black box which holds a lot of tradition. One of the main characters arrives late to lottery claiming she forgot what day it was, and as the lottery concludes the news spills amongst the town that her husband has the slip with the black dot. As the family argues that the lottery is unfair, the result from the lottery is that the woman of the family gets stoned to death. Shirley Jackson uses irony in the …show more content…

The box that the people would approach to draw their slips of paper, happens to be a black box that represents death and evil. As an indication of who would be “stoned” at the conclusion of the lottery ,is the person who ends up with the paper that has the black dot on it. Mr Summers, who is in charge of the lottery and “the postmaster, Mr Graves, followed him, carrying a three legged stool, and the stool was put in the center of the square and Mr. Summers set the black box down on it”(Jackson 4). The three legged stool indicates the Christian religion of the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit. The people thought that by placing a evil, sinned box on top of a religious symbol would make it acceptable to take the life of a innocent person. Even the children played a slight part in making the lottery successful, as one child ‘“Bobby Martin had already stuffed his pockets full of stones, and the other boys soon followed his example, selecting the smoothest and roundest stones”’(Coulthard 1). By choosing the smooth stones rather than a usual rough edged stone made the person suffer

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