
Essay On Pleasantville

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Pleasantville: The not so pleasant reminder of what we have come from. The lack of color on the television show Pleasantville describes a lot more than our technological advancements, it artistically captures the lack of free will we once had. Breaking free from their shells of self awareness the people of Pleasantville start to display their true colors so to speak. The distinct changes or unusual new found attitudes stirring up inside pleasantville remind myself of our very own past here in the united states over the last century or so. Every time someone grants themselves the ability to live out their true identity in Pleasantville they seem to come to life not only emotionally but in color on the screen as well. I believe that this color …show more content…

Most of the values attached to Conservative Ideology such as gender roles, religious beliefs, racial segregation, non-acceptance of same sex marriage, are all things that had to be challenged politically in order to become acceptable. I try to picture myself in the shoes of many victims to the conservative system like all the women who fought for their rights to vote and all I can think about is how they had to struggle to achieve their goal because the system was not willing to change. This is happening now with same sex marriage where people literally have fought for that right and still have that right threatened to be taken away from them. So as you can see the people of Pleasantville certainly have a lot in common with us here in america. We have challenged our limitations many times before growing into a more colorful society everyday. But yet it always seems that their is some Mayor Big Bob type of figure standing in the way in our case it is conservative political figures. We always end up granted the permission to be who we want freely but it seems that some suffering is almost mandatory within the

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