
Democrats Vs Conservatives

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Political ideologies in the United States vary considerably, people often classify themselves as either adhering to positions along the political spectrum as liberals, progressive, moderate or conservative. In the world of politics we generally decide that the Democratic Party represents the liberal ideas, while the Republican Party commonly represents the conservatives. From the understanding of this course we define the term American conservative as a political philosophy that emphasizes prosperity, security and tradition above other values. Whereas liberals are also a political party that emphasizes individualism, equality and civil rights above other values. In simpler terms stress economic rights, whereas liberals emphasizes civil rights.
There are many differences between the American conservatives and American liberals view of human nature. Conservatives believe that the individual Americans have a right to defend themselves and their families with guns and that the right cannot be taken away by any methods short of a Constitutional …show more content…

The liberal views tend to favor public assistance programs, cut in military spending, a progressive tax system and government regulation is such as areas as the food and drug industry, occupational safety and health, housing, transportation and energy. They believed in a mixed economy, one that is capitalist free market with limited government regulation and intervention is seen as ideal. Unlike their counterparts, conservatives in the United States traditional favor policies that responds to strong national defense, deregulation of business and industry and a tax cut on capital gains and inheritances. “They often staunch oppose social spending on the grounds that give away programs reward sloth and indolence. (Magstadt, 23)” They tend to be for policies that are pro government

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