
Criminal Homicide And Its Effect On Society

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Throughout time there has been a very high number of crimes committed in the world. Crime is an action that constitutes an offense that may be prosecuted by the state and is punishable by law. One of the most common and well known crimes is homicide. Homicide is the act of a human being causing the death of another human being. There are both unintentional and intentional homicides, and many different types of homicides are generally treated very differently in human societies; such classes of homicide can include murder, abortion, manslaughter, euthanasia, and execution.

Criminal homicide takes many forms including accidental or purposeful murder. The crime committed in a criminal homicide is determined by the mental state of the committing person and the extent of the crime. Murder, for example, is in most cases an intentional crime. Homicide may lead to life in prison or capital punishment, but if the defendant in a capital case is mentally disabled in the United States he or she cannot be executed. Instead, the individual is placed under the category of "insane." The felony murder rule says that one committing a felony may be guilty of murder if someone, including the felony victim, a bystander or a co-felon, dies as a result of his acts, regardless his intent to kill.

It is very important to study the cause of Homicide and go over cases that have been opened due to murder. In time, many murders have taken place and in most cases they were solved and FBI agents or

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