
A Chi-Square Survey

Decent Essays

Firstly, there will be an attached approved consent form from Mr. Oneil Canton from the Boys and Girls Club, then approval from the Institutional Review Board (IRB), and lastly the parent and minor assent from the participants will be evaluated. Dressed in appropriate University of the Virgin Islands emblem shirt, I will be going to each site to collect the data. The adolescent participants will individually be called in the room where they will be appropriately briefed on the subject and asked to sign their consent form, this will allow the noise level to stay at a minimum and also for the other participants to be able to complete other activities while they wait their turn to complete the survey. All participants will be instructed to fill out the surveys to its completion to the best of their ability. After the adolescence participants are surveyed, the students will all be seated in one room to be debriefed and have the ability to ask questions. The debriefing will contain a video from the National Rifle Association (NRA) website about gun safety and what should be done if one is found by a child. The parents will fill out their surveys as they are waiting for their kids, not to …show more content…

The statistical descriptive strategy will be correlation, which is defined as “two different variables are observed to determine whether there is a relationship between them” (Gravetter & Wallnau, p. 11, 2009). The descriptive statistic will be presented as percentages, mode and mean. The inferential data will be conducted using a chi-square test for independence. According to Gravetter and Wallnau’s definition of the Chi-square test for independence states that it “uses the frequency data from a sample to evaluate the relationship between variables in the population” (2009, p.

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