module 4 Asignment 650



University Of Arizona *

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May 8, 2024





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1 Case Analysis- Treatment Format Brooke Clegg University of Arizona Global Campus PSY650 Introduction to Clinical and Counseling Psychology Dr. Gwaltney- Hausch, Stefanie March 21st, 2024
2 Case Analysis- Treatment Format Explain the connection between each theoretical orientation used by Dr. Seals’s and the interventions utilized in the case. Dr. Seals takes a multi-faceted approach to his patients, utilizing various theoretical orientations to create a personalized treatment plan for each patient's needs. To address unconscious conflicts that may be impacting emotional and behavioral struggles, he draws from psychodynamic principles and delves into past traumas such as childhood sexual abuse. In addition, cognitive-behavioral techniques are employed to challenge negative thought patterns while reinforcing adaptive coping skills. One of Dr. Seals' key strengths lies in exploring relationship dynamics through an interpersonal orientation; this allows him to identify areas where improvement can be made by enhancing the communication abilities of patients with their peers and families alike - often using family systems theory as part of his interventions aimed at improving these relationships long term. Taken together then this holistic strategy enables Dr. Seals’s therapy sessions provide comprehensive support focused on aiding multiple aspects crucial factors contributing directly both positively and negatively towards all psychological functioning issues presented during consultations-coupled also notably though not limited too personal & familial circumstances reflecting onto practice goals too! Describe the concept of dialectical behavior therapy, being sure to include the six main points of this type of treatment. Marsha Linehan, the founder of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), has developed a comprehensive approach to address conditions like borderline personality disorder (BPD)
3 characterized by emotional dysregulation and unstable relationships. DBT follows the bio-social model that identifies BPD as resulting from a combination of biological vulnerability and invalidating childhood experiences. The therapy involves several stages where individuals go through establishing commitment, understanding their history in pre-treatment phases before progressing towards addressing immediate concerns such as managing suicidal behaviors, correcting therapy-interfering performance while learning skills for better functioning. Behavioral skills training groups are conducted concurrently with individual psychotherapy sessions which help delve into current issues fostering trust within client-therapist relationship along with practical application learned at these group sessions including mindfulness, education on interpersonal effectiveness, emotion regulation, distress tolerance. Therefore, empowers clients toward productive changes lives outside therapeutic contexts. Through this approach balancing acceptance change therapists aim to validate non-judgmentally acknowledging each experience without criticism strengthening self-managing capabilities leading more fulfilling positive living outcomes for those diagnosed symptoms related disorders (Gorenstein et al., 2022). Explain Dr. Seals’s primary goal during the pre-treatment stage and how Dr. Seals related this to Kareem in her initial therapy sessions. During the pretreatment stage with Kareem, Dr. Seals's main objective was to secure his commitment towards therapy for a minimum period. Knowing that Kareem had not succeeded in previous therapies and often ended them impulsively due to borderline personality disorder tendencies, it was crucial for Dr. Seals to ensure this commitment from him. Dr. Seals pursued this objective by having empathetic conversations with Kareem regarding his
4 previous encounters with therapy and the challenges he faced dealing with emotional instability, self-injury, and social issues. She acknowledged his apprehension towards treatment while simultaneously recognizing his perseverance in trying to seek assistance despite past letdowns. Furthermore, she validated the fears and doubts that Kareem experienced during these discussions. During Kareem's early therapy sessions, Dr. Seals connected the basics of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) to his distinct difficulties. She clarified how DBT could assist him in handling emotional irregularities and creating better coping mechanisms by highlighting how Kareen's symptoms were consistent with those seen in borderline personality disorder criteria. Dr. Seals stressed the significance of dedicating oneself to the treatment regimen and explained the various phases involved in DBT. Dr. Seals created a nurturing and reassuring therapy atmosphere that aided Kareem in acknowledging his abilities while saturating him with optimism about the possibility of change. She motivated him to regard therapy as a cooperative venture, assuring him of her steadfast dedication towards aiding his progress toward healing. Dr. Seals aimed to establish a therapeutic alliance with Kareem that relied on trust, empathy, and mutual commitment towards the treatment process during the pretreatment stage (Gorenstein et al., 2022). Describe the two formats that Dr. Seals told Kareem would be part of her treatment program. As part of Kareem's treatment program, Dr. Seals specified two fundamental formats to be incorporated. Kareem was required to attend a weekly dialectical behavior therapy skills training group as part of the initial phase of treatment. The purpose of this stage is to resolve core issues essential for survival and functionality. Over six months, Kareem would learn cognitive
5 and behavioral skills systematically through four key modules: mindfulness, emotion regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness. The primary goal was to equip Kareem with fundamental abilities for effectively managing emotions in addition to coping with negative emotional arousal while navigating relationships successfully. Group sessions included didactic teaching methods along with practice exercises supplemented by homework assignments every week targeting skill reinforcement. Initially reluctant about attending these meetings went on later finding them beneficial mastering various aspects when faced within the support provided by his peers collectively. Kareem would participate in one-on-one therapy sessions with Dr. Seals to supplement the group skills training mentioned earlier. During these private meetings, Kareem's unique challenges and needs would be addressed as they arise. The primary objectives of individual therapy are to foster a secure therapeutic bond, inspire Kareem to utilize fresh cognitive and behavioral techniques, and aid during any difficult situations that may occur. Dr. Seals will apply various psychotherapeutic approaches such as behavior analysis in helping Kareem understand his actions' purpose while promoting alternative coping tactics gradually; diary cards will also track progress by setting agendas for future appointments effectively along with structuring ongoing treatments optimally throughout the process too! Kareem received a comprehensive treatment plan that included group skills training and individual psychotherapy sessions. Both formats were essential in addressing his borderline personality disorder, improving his overall well-being, and functioning. Describe the focus of the second and third stages of treatment.
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