HIST-Discussion Forum Unit 5



Northern Virginia Community College *

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Jan 9, 2024





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Discussion Forum Unit 5 What were the outcomes of the second Punic War and why were these outcomes so different than the outcomes of Rome's war against the Latiums? Scipio defeated Hannibal in the Second Punic War, which ended in 201 BC. The battle lasted seventeen years, with both sides suffering losses. Spain, Italy, Sardinia, and North Africa were all involved. Rome conquered Carthage and grew to be a formidable force in the Mediterranean. The war had repercussions for Carthage, which suffered economic and territorial losses because of the conflict. Morey (Morey, 1901) However, it presented Rome with an opportunity, and they took it upon themselves to impose a war on them, with Scipio Africanus leading the charge on Carthage's home turf and defeating Hannibal. It was part of Hasdrubal's agreement with the Carthaginian government to attack Saguntum. When facing the northern Gauls and Illryia, the Romans came up against a wall and wanted Hannibal punished. When Carthage refused, Rome declared war in 218 BC, kicking off the Second Punic War. (2016, Cartwright) The Carthaginians suffered a loss of 20,000 men, while Rome suffered a loss of less than 5,000. Hannibal decided to go to court to obtain peace terms. Carthage had to surrender its ships, elephants, and prisoners to the Romans, but it couldn't go to war without Rome's permission. In terms of fighting forces (men, ships, etc. ), Rome had the upper hand over Carthage. During the last battle at Zama, Scipio devised a strategy for dealing with specific enemies. Rome was known as the master of the Mediterranean at the time. (2016, Cartwright) References Morey, W. C. (1901). Outlines of Roman history. Forum Romanum. https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.forumromanum.org/history/index.html__;!! BZ50a36bapWJ!_JRPvSl1UGo1_Qi-TpuYtmfNUYVhAt2QAR0CbfS0Rpu6hlxEwVXN1NtyRu_- INqWdw$ Cartwright, M. (2016, May 29). Ancient History Encyclopedia. Retrieved from https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.ancient.eu/Second_Punic_War/__;!!BZ50a36bapWJ! _JRPvSl1UGo1_Qi-TpuYtmfNUYVhAt2QAR0CbfS0Rpu6hlxEwVXN1NtyRu9ULHwSIg$
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