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May 14, 2024





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Read the following article: Lawson, R. (2019, March 1). New competencies for management accountants Links to an external site. . Strategic Finance. Focus on one of the major subjects of this article that is of interest to you. These subjects include (but are not limited to): o The changing role of finance and accounting professionals o Impact of technology and data analytics o The growing importance of ethics in the digital age o The IMA management accounting competency framework Include the subject you have decided to focus on as part of the title of your initial post. Do the following in your initial response: o Prepare an annotation of the major subject in which you are interested or wish to comment upon, and answer/include the following points and questions. An annotation is a summary of the main points of the subject you have chosen to summarize for the class, organized to include a correctly formatted APA reference. Problem: What was the major focus of the subject in the article? Why does the subject matter to accountants in the future? Results: What was the result or conclusion reached in the article of the strategies recommended to address that subject in the article, now and in the future? Application: How might practitioners or your classmates potentially apply what was covered in the article in the real world? Be specific.
The Growing Importance of Ethics in the Digital Age One of the subjects discussed in Raef Lawson’s article is the growing importance of ethics in the digital age. The article highlights why ethics is coming to the forefront of all the new digital and technological achievements that are assisting the accounting world. Technology is becoming intertwined with almost everything that an accountant does in the modern world, so managing it correctly and ethically is very important for accountants now and to accountants in the future. Technology is very easy to use and is very accessible for accountants, but it is also easy for the information stored in this technology to be given out to people it is not meant for. Accountants often deal with information that is confidential and that should not be released to just anyone, so employers need to be aware of the need to monitor their employees’ activities so this information is not disclosed to anyone it is not meant to be disclosed to. The result of this topic in the article is that on top of the sheer amount of confidential information accountants deal with that needs to be handled ethically and properly, accountants are running into more and more ethically difficult business situations as a result of technology and need to have an understanding of how to act ethically in these instances (Lawson, 2019). One of the strategies listed by the author is that employers need to monitor their employees’ activities on their work computers. Another strategy listed is that the accountants themselves need to look to the profession’s ethical guidelines to help them figure out difficult ethical situations. Accountants can apply the information from this article by being aware of the ways that technology can test their ethics and their habits. While technology has made it easier for things to get done in the accounting world, it has also made it far easier for confidential information to get leaked than ever before. All it takes is an accidental click in the wrong email and client information can get stolen instantly. Accountants can also look to the AICPA’s or the IMA’s ethical frameworks for help in difficult ethical situations. This can be best applied if accountants look at these ethical frameworks ahead of time so they are ready when ethical dilemmas insert themselves into their lives rather than wait to go over the ethical frameworks once they run into an ethical problem. Reference: Lawson, R. (2019, March 1). New competencies for management accountants . Strategic Finance.
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