Extension and Reflection



American College of Education *

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Apr 3, 2024





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1 Extension and Reflection Jenna Hassett American College of Education LIT5193: Integrating Secondary Literacy and ELA Concepts Dr. Keith Higa November 2, 2022
2 Introduction Student independence is a necessary part of education, which should be demonstrated throughout the school year. When students go on summer break, they should continue learning and practicing skills on their own. One way to support this is implementing a summer reading project. The project below is designed for 7th graders going into 8th grade. The book selection includes 5 novels varying in reading level, content, and style. Students are instructed to choose one book and then choose one of the project options to complete before starting 8th grade. This project will support students in text-based learning, problem solving, and critical thinking, all of which are fundamental skills needed to be successful in and out of school. Summer Reading Project Choose ONE book from the summer reading list and choose ONE of the projects below to complete. 1. Create a CD cover for your summer reading book. This should include: A picture on the cover that shows a pivotal scene or symbol or character from your book. The title should be on it and the author (Do not just copy the book cover - make the cover original). It should also include a quote from the book that is significant to the theme of the book on the front cover. The back should include a list of the 6 songs that you think should be included on a soundtrack for the book with the artist. You must also turn in a list of songs with a 5 sentence explanation of why you chose the song for the book and a description of the scene in the book it would best work for. Make sure to include: Song Title, singer, at least one lyric (if not more), and the 5 sentence reason you chose it
3 for this scene of the book. These should be pivotal scenes and chronological following the main character’s progression through the novel 2. Create an Instagram Page for the Main Character of your book. This can be hand done or digitally. It should include: Profile Picture with Name Items under the Profile Pic that represent your character - At least one quote and several hashtags, followers, stories etc….Make this look like an authentic Instagram page 6-9 pictures that represent pivotal scenes from the character’s life each with an accompanying short quote from the text. Depict your character as he or she was at the beginning of the novel, then think about the people and events that most impacted the character as your middle scenes with the final rendering showing them at the end of the novel and his or her growth. Each of the scenes should include a quote at the bottom which best exemplifies that scene A 5 sentence explanation on a separate piece of paper or back on why you chose each of the scenes to draw. Answer the following questions in this explanation: What about this scene was significant to the character’s journey through the book? How did this person or event that you drew change or affect the character? Also, add hashtags to the pictures that show the character’s traits at the time of this scene. 3. Create a “One-pager” Create a visual summary of the major ideas, symbols, topics, etc. of a text (i.e. sketchnotes). A One-pager Demonstrates understanding of the chosen text(s). Connects to the topic of perspective. This one-pager should include:
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